How I see it...

Laying in my hammock, sipping an adult beverage, I contemplate the deeper issues and finer points of this world and my life. I reach well informed opinions and share them here. Being mostly Irish, I can argue either side of any issue; but you throw the Swede in there and I become a very stubborn, stoic, stick-to-my-values type of person.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

A hard day at the salt mine forces me to blog a bit later than I would have liked to today, but what is a working man to do? Roll with the flow, I guess...

Let us keep The Edwards in our thoughts and prayers as they climb back aboard this roller coaster that is cancer. Having lost Mom last summer to cancer, I am still painfully aware of just how hard the ride can be.

On the side of total absurdity, what in the world would make someone want to hack off one of the few friendly Muslim countries that we can count as an ally? Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California tried to force Secretary of State, Condaleeza Rice, to admit that something that happened almost one hundred years ago was an atrocity. Now, it may well have been a terrible thing, but for our Secretary of State (having just returned from a trip that included Turkey) to say that Turkey was bloody wrong would be like slamming your nose in a sliding door several times on purpose. Did he have a couple of extra bowls of stupid for breakfast? Note to Rep. Schiff: Let's move back to the present and tackle some issues that actually matter!

The Democrats really need to stop trying to play "Let's Spank the President" and get some real life, important stuff done before it all blows up in their faces. The elections are not that far off and so far the Dems are 0-6 on trying to send bills to the President. And things aren't looking so good for them on the funding bill right now either. Mrs. Pelosi has gone so far as to threaten to take people off of key committee assignments if they dare to go against her. Mrs. Pelosi had better remember that the same people who voted her into her top spot can jerk her out just as quick if they don't like being bullied.

And the whole thing boils down to the Democrats trying to hamstring our President. There is really nothing wrong with what happened to the Federal prosecutors, it is just some politicos trying to make some hay in a field full of fertilizer. And since they have had little luck in trying to make the President bend to their will (although he has done a pretty fair job of turning his back on the conservatives who put him in office) they have decided to go after the people in his cabinet. All of this will eventually blow up in their faces and the media will spend several post election news cycles analyzing and trying to figure out what went wrong and making up scenarios on how the election was stolen. Again.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed so hard when I read that sticker. I didn't know you had another blog. UHm......
