How I see it...

Laying in my hammock, sipping an adult beverage, I contemplate the deeper issues and finer points of this world and my life. I reach well informed opinions and share them here. Being mostly Irish, I can argue either side of any issue; but you throw the Swede in there and I become a very stubborn, stoic, stick-to-my-values type of person.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I see a potential problem here...

There are going to be record numbers of people on hand for this "historic" moment.  I won't go down the obvious path on the care and feeding of racism here (Yeah, the President is of mixed race - get over it.) , but rather I see a potential problem for America.  A HUGE issue.

This crowd is going to be so large that it is going to be impossible to control or police.  And I don't say that because I expect rioting to breakout or people to behave badly.  But a crowd of that size, a city that full of people, a population so immense that it is not only impossible to control or police - is also going to be impossible to protect.

This has got to be a terrorists version of the perfect storm.  To set off a bomb at the Inauguration of PE Barack Obama would guarantee any terrorist of any stripe instant notoriety. A coordinated attack at multiple points around Washington DC would cause mass hysteria and potentially kill thousands of Americans if not tens of thousands. 

And God help us if that happens because the left wing pacifists who believe that they are in control of this country would do two things: First - Blame the Bush administration for not doing enough to protect the People. They would have "obviously known about it and kept it quiet".  The second is that they would do nothing.

Pray people. 


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