How I see it...

Laying in my hammock, sipping an adult beverage, I contemplate the deeper issues and finer points of this world and my life. I reach well informed opinions and share them here. Being mostly Irish, I can argue either side of any issue; but you throw the Swede in there and I become a very stubborn, stoic, stick-to-my-values type of person.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Reflections on this Memorial Day, 2009

To our fallen

Thank you.

Thank you for your willingness to step up and stand in the gap. Legion are your number. Myriad were your reasons for doing this. Because of your selfless sacrifice we are a free people. Free to the point that many will tarnish your memories with their freedoms. Taking for granted what you saw as sacred. Recklessly spending the most precious resource that we have in our possession. As is their right. Thank you my brave heroes. Bless you for bravely marching into harms way. My our people never forget your selflessness, and may your sacrifice never have been in vain.

To the families of our fallen

Thank you

You are so often forgotten. It is you who have paid the highest price in my eyes. You have lost those you hold most dear. You have been left behind to struggle with the unanswerable questions, the harsh realities of this life, and the pain. You say that you understand the person who went off to war, and in your heart and mind you probably do; this does not reduce the anguish in your soul, however. The heartbreak never goes away. You do learn to live with it, but it is with you always. Bless you for paying this price: willingly and unwillingly. Words are inadequate to express the gratitude of a nation, to comfort the wound in your heart and to ease the suffering you experience. Thank you.

To our Service Men and Women

Thank you.

You have volunteered to stand in the gap. To fill in the holes left by those who fell. To stand fast for an ideal that you hold dear. You carry on your shoulders the weight of a nation, you carry in your heart the love of Creator, family and country to be willing to sacrifice for each and you carry, even if in the very back of your mind, the knowledge that you may not survive. You are the embodiment of the American Spirit. You are the epitome of freedom. And to you we owe a continuing debt of gratitude that can not be repaid with words or gold.

To America

Never forget.

Never forget the fallen, those left behind, nor those currently standing between you and those who desire to take your freedoms away. We say that we live in an enlightened, civil world. Yet there are those that would take away everything that we have. Some for ideals that we do not understand, some out of shear jealousy, and others for reasons that will never be clear. Never forget that the price of the freedom that we enjoy and take for granted can be found in the ground, and in the pain of those left behind. These freedoms are not a right, but a privilege. One that can whither and die if not defended on all fronts.

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