How I see it...

Laying in my hammock, sipping an adult beverage, I contemplate the deeper issues and finer points of this world and my life. I reach well informed opinions and share them here. Being mostly Irish, I can argue either side of any issue; but you throw the Swede in there and I become a very stubborn, stoic, stick-to-my-values type of person.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

LIberal Media Bias? NO! Say it ain't so, Joe!

You look at what Gov. Palin actually said and compare it to how it was edited. These are portions of the UNEDITED ABC interview with Gov. Palin, with the bold-ed items being the responses that ABC left on the cutting room floor. Had they aired the whole, unedited interview, it would have come off much, much differently.

Even then, she did pretty ok.

Be prepared for a whole new slew of liberal whining about stolen elections this fall.

Having said that, I will say, again, that Obama will be president of these United States of America. Most likely in the next election or so. They shut his wife up to prevent her sinking him like Theresa helped sink John Kerry, only to have the media bias catch up with them and it will be the media that sinks this Democratic Liberal candidate.

Add to that the dung bombs that Pelosi and crew dropped during this last session of Congress, and you can pretty well see your way to the Republican party picking up several seats in both the House and the Senate. That could pretty well be a wash, however.

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